The WSET (Wine & Spirits Education Trust) Courses we deliver here in Cornwall are a great way to further your knowledge of wine, whether for business or pleasure. For many in the hospitality industry they provide a useful leg up the career ladder, but equally they are a brilliant learning experience if you’re simply interested in the world of wine – and what a fascinating world it is!

Our courses are delivered by an inspiring team of wine professionals, known collectively as Cornwall Wine Centre and based here at Old Chapel Cellars in Truro. We all have different areas of expertise, but we share a passion for wine and wine education. You can expect to learn in a relaxed and friendly environment, where questions and feedback are always welcome.

Here are just a few reasons why taking a WSET course is a great idea:
- Enjoy learning about something you love
No matter what stage of life you’re at, it’s always good to engage the brain, especially if it’s on a topic which interests you. Learning about wine touches on geography, geology, history, culture, and commerce, as well as engaging the senses and developing language for describing aromas, colours and flavours. It’s a brilliant brain work-out!
- Make better choices when it comes to buying wine
People who embark on WSET courses come out feeling much more confident when buying or ordering wine. Forget being blindsided by the world of wine labels – you’ll be able to look beyond the branding and choose a wine to match any occasion, at the right price point.
- Meet like-minded people
Our WSET courses in Cornwall attract a lovely crowd of wine lovers, all of whom are eager to learn but also not averse to having a good time along the way. By joining our network of alumni you’ll find yourself invited to tastings and other events – all in the name of education of course!

Now we’ve convinced you, here’s our guide to WSET levels so you can identify which is right for you:
- Level 1 Award – Introduction
Level 1 is ideal for anyone who enjoys drinking wine and simply wants to learn a bit more about what's in the glass - how it’s made, different grapes and wine producing countries, and the basics of food and wine pairing. Fun and informative, the exam for Level 1 involves a tasting and a multiple-choice exam. The course takes 6hrs to complete, either over a whole day or spread across two evenings, with the exam at the end.
- Level 2 Award – Intermediate
If Level 1 piqued your interest, then you probably can’t wait to progress to Level 2. It's a deeper dive into the key grape varieties and the regions of each wine producing country, showing how wines differ and why. You'll taste over 40 different wines during the course and develop an appreciation for what makes wine so unique. This is a 4-day course with the multiple-choice exam on the afternoon of Day 4. A very helpful qualification for those working in the hospitality industry.
- Level 3 Award – Advanced
Level 3 is a big step up and starts assuming all the content from Level 2 is known. If you’ve had a gap in between the two, we advise a little swatting before starting this! A detailed and intense course, Level 3 is spread across a 4-6 week period. The majority is home learning with 5 full tutored day sessions tasting over 60 wines. The 6th day includes a revision session, a tasting exam, a multiple choice and a short written paper. A hugely rewarding and internationally recognised qualification, this is ideal for those wanting to progress their career in wine or with a genuine desire to learn all about the subject.
NB Spirits are now taught separately within the WSET framework, so our courses concentrate solely on wine.
If you would like further advice or have questions about our courses, please email us on You can find details on all our upcoming courses here – we hope to see you on one soon!